Welcome to our Therapist Directory
Here you will be able to view the profiles of Hove Counselling and Psychotherapy's registered members. We appreciate it can be a bit daunting starting the process of finding the right therapist for you. That's why we have listed lots of helpful information about our practitioners, to support your search.
All of our Therapists and Counsellors are qualified and insured, which have been verified at the time of their registration. They offer their services from our therapy space in Portland Road and Westbourne Street, Hove
Each therapist has a contact form on their profile, so that you can make direct contact with them.
Please make contact with the therapists directly through their contact forms and not via Hove Counselling and Psychotherapy's contact form and phone number. All of our practitioners work independently and are solely responsible for their own practice and appointments.

Renata Andrzejewska (she/her)
Psychodynamic Psychotherapeutic Counsellor MBACP PGDip MA
I can help you make sense of family difficulties, relationship problems, and feelings of loss. We will work together, at your pace, to understand how your life experiences have shaped present concerns, to find a way forward and instil change.

Caspar Murphy
MSc Integrative Psychotherapy; MA Psychotherapy: PG Dip Psychodynamic Counselling
I am Caspar, I help adults, through 1:1 or couple therapy, to make transformational change, through addressing painful blocks or barriers, in order for you to become more confident and less anxious, depressed or worried in your life.

Sue John (she/her)
Diploma in Therapeutic Counselling
Changes in relationships or how we live our lives can give rise to anxiety and distress or leave us not feeling in control anymore. I offer 1:1 supportive sessions where you can explore what's troubling you at your own pace without fear of judgement.

Tina Tomkova
Humanistic Integrative Counsellor/psychotherapist FdSc, BSc
I am particularly passionate about inner child work, healing and integrating those wounded parts of self that have been shut down at some point in life and finding your authentic self. I believe that to live as your true self is your birth-right.

Lynn Hamilton
EMDR Accredited Therapist. Psychodynamic Counsellor MBACP Accred. Clinical Supervisor Accred.
Life can be challenging for all of us at different times in our lives and sometimes we need some help to navigate these experiences to enable us make sense of them and to move forward in a more positive and fulfilling way in life.

Sarah Barfoot (she/her)
Humanistic Counselling & Psychotherapy PGDip
I'm a BACP registered Counsellour, STAT-certified Alexander Technique Teacher and Somatic Experiencing® (SEP) first-year practitioner. I offer one to one face to face, telephone and online counselling and help people to live their lives fully.

Sarah Murphy
Person-Centred Counsellor FdSc MBACP
Hello, I'm Sarah. I have over 15 years experience of working with clients which struggle with anxiety, depression and negative thought patterns. We can work together, at your pace, so you can feel less consumed and more present and fulfilled with everyday life.

Sarah Noble-Jones she/her
Person Centred Counsellor MBACP (Accredited) & EMDR Therapist
Hello I’m Sarah, an accredited person-centred counsellor with more than 20 years experience working with adults of all ages. I have particular experience in bereavement, trauma, shame/self-esteem & relationip issues. I also offer EMDR.